How to Prepare for Your Fresh 48 Session | Cincinnati Fresh 48 and Newborn Photographer

There is a lot to think about as you’re preparing for the arrival of a new little human and it can get overwhelming very quickly as you’re thinking about everything that needs to get done ahead of time. If you’ve booked a photography session (which you should… & here’s why), you may be feeling like it’s one more thing you have to anxiously prepare for. Luckily, the beauty of booking a Fresh 48 session is how little preparation is actually needed. The best part… if you’ve opted to book a Fresh 48 session instead of an in-home newborn session, you’re in luck! No house cleaning needed ;)

so let’s start with what is a fresh 48 session?

A Fresh 48 session is a photography session that occurs in your hospital room during the first 24-48 hours after birth. It is aimed at capturing those precious first hours and days of your newborn's life. If you’re the nostalgic type of mama, this is the session for you. This is a session of firsts.

their first precious days and hours on this earth

the first time you hold your baby in your arms

the look of love on your husbands face as he becomes a father

the first time you get to kiss your babies cheeks

the first time their brother or sister gets to meet their new baby sibling

their first bath

the first time they open their eyes

the first time you get to lovingly kiss, inspect & count every last toe

I could go on and on friends. The birthing room is such a sacred & beautiful space. We are bringing life into the world and nothing is more beautiful or humbling than to bottle it up, for all of time.

Fresh 48 sessions are lifestyle/documentary style sessions that focus on the simplicity of family connection. We use baby-led posing & natural lighting to highlight your baby and family exactly as you are. No fluff, awkward positions, or flashing lightbulbs (thank God).

1. book in advance

This is a shameless plug to book your session right now… I mean it, right now. Book your Fresh 48 session well in advance. I generally recommend 4-5 months out from your due date you should have your session booked.

Why? Because of the “on-call” nature of these sessions. I can only book so many each month to make sure I have the scheduling flexibility to capture each session and nothing hurts my heart more than to have to turn families away so please please, book early!

2. when to call

Once you’re booked, as we get closer to your due date, you’ll want to keep me in the loop about baby’s possible arrival. This helps ensure that I can coordinate my schedule and move things around to make sure we get your session captured. We have a narrow window of time for these sessions (some hospitals are even discharging families within 24 hours) so keeping me informed of what’s happening is vital!

The best way to do this is to email me or text me with updates. If you get an induction or c-section date, if labor seems imminent or if you’re headed into the hospital etc. More information is better than none. This can also be something you delegate to your spouse or family member so you can focus on yourself & baby.

3. what to wear

This is always a big question! Simplicity and comfort are key. I say this as both a photographer & a mom who has experienced three postpartum periods in my own life… do not stress about this part. Wear what makes you feel most comfortable. You just had a baby and things are likely… uncomfortable. The last thing you need to do is try to put on something cute/stylish just for the sake of pictures. Natural fibers like linen and cotton tend to photograph the best. Many postpartum moms opt for leggings with a tank & cardigan, a loose/cozy sweater, comfy pajamas, or a flowy, loose dress. Some even opt to wear bralette's/tank tops, and hospital gowns or some embrace the natural postpartum look of gown/bralette & mesh underwear for a true documentary approach (definitely a favorite route of mine.)

As for dads, a simple plain t-shirt is usually my recommendation. Avoid logo wear if at all possible and any crazy patterns or colors (this goes for everyone being photographed). Bright or neon colors and crazy patterns can be distracting and take away from highlighting the actual moments or connections we’re aiming to capture.

**while keeping all of this in mind, this session is about capturing your family just as you are. So if you can’t follow these guidelines to a “t”, that’s okay, just be yourself and wear what makes you & your spouse most comfortable.

4. dressing baby

The goal is to have a comfy, cozy, warm & happy baby. Multiple outfit changes and exposure to the cold will make for an angry baby and a very long session which can be incredibly exhausting for you, dad & the baby. When it comes to outfits for babies, I generally ask families to stick with one outfit paired with "accessories" whether that's a hat, hair bow, or patterned blankets to add texture. To make things even more stress-free, you can even opt to use the hospital-provided white onesies & hospital blankets they provide (another favorite of mine).

When deciding on an outfit, simple, neutral, earth-toned, or jewel-toned colors photograph best. Stay away from bright colors, neon colors or very busy patterns. I do recommend having a second outfit set aside as a backup in case we have a blowout or pee situation.

5. lighting & preparing the room

Don’t be shocked when I walk into your room and flip off all the lights. As unintuitive as it is, overhead/artificial lighting can be very difficult to photograph and can potentially be unflattering if not handled properly. With my style, I’ve found that utilizing natural light gives me the most creative freedom & helps me to create beautiful, artistic images of your family. It is also a more even, calming lighting situation for babies and they won’t be flinching from overhead lights or shocked by a sudden flash of light in their eyes.

My best prep advice for “preparing the hospital room” is don’t prepare. Seriously, don’t tidy anything up.

There is something beautiful to me about the old styrofoam coffee cups from the night before, the overflowing suitcases that have barely been touched, the “never-full enough water jugs” sitting at the bedside, pacifiers & burp cloths scattered throughout the room. They perfectly mirror and symbolize those hazy first days of life… where you find yourself in the same t-shirt and nursing bra again and who knows where the phone charger went for the millionth time. The chaos of the hospital room has a story to tell, embrace it.

6. what to expect

In general, Fresh 48 sessions take about an hour to capture. If baby happens to sleep the whole time I’m there or have their eyes wide open, we’ll capture them just as they are. If they’re due to eat when I’m there, no problem, we’ll let them eat! (If you want breastfeeding photos, please let me know & I can capture these for you!). The whole goal of the session is to soak up this little one. Wrap them up in your arms, rock them, sing to them, read them a book. Just be yourself and love on them, that’s all you need to do!

Want to capture the whole session with baby in your arms? Great. Want to capture siblings meeting for the first time? Yes, please! If you’d like to memorialize their first bath, let’s do it! (Make sure to let your nurse know you’d like to delay bath time until I’m there… they should be able to easily accommodate this request). The beauty of a Fresh 48 session is we let baby lead the way. It’s honest, raw, relaxed & laid-back.

The whole goal of the session is to just love on your new little one. Wrap them up in your arms, rock them, sing to them, read them a book. Just be yourself and soak up every last inch of them, that’s all you need to do!

7. keep calm

If you want to include siblings, check with your doctor’s office for the latest visitor guidelines. The key with siblings is to let the kids be themselves. Generally, I'll have a grandparent or family member bring in siblings about halfway through the session so we have time to grab what we need to grab before potential chaos ensues… just kidding.

We'll first attempt to get full family shots and then sibling only shots before our narrow window winds down & siblings lose their interest. I want to reiterate here I am totally used to tantrums/sibling arguments & chaos. So don't ever feel like I'm judging anything (trust me, we've all been there), and don't worry about how the photos or film will turn out if your kids aren't being perfect angels. Chances are, they won't be, because they are tiny humans with big feelings and you just rocked their world with a new baby. I will be there capturing it all, but I'm also respectful and know when to stop shooting.

Most importantly, just go with the flow and try not to stress if things don't go the way you planned. Kids are kids, they're unpredictable and that's okay. In fact, that's what makes them special in their own way. Know that I am skilled at finding the beautiful moments within the hard stuff, so no matter what happens, I will capture the beauty within it.

Are you local to Cincinnati or Northern Kentucky & want to book a Fresh 48 session? I’d be truly honored!

Click below to book your session or reach out if you have more questions about booking! Make sure you ask about my Birth Announcement films if you want to bottle up the sound of their sweet little noises forever.

Check out some of my favorite sessions below!

Olive Grace | Theodore & Eleanor | Hendrix Michael | Grace Lucille

Krystal Franke