Why Photography Should Be at the Top of Your Registry List | Cincinnati Fresh 48 and Newborn Photographer

Trigger warning: infant loss & NICU stay

This is going to be a heavier post friends. So if you’re in a tough season or feeling particularly vulnerable to being triggered by stories of grief & loss, feel free to skip this one!

Let me promise you. As a mama to three babies under two, I can promise you, you don’t need all the “stuff”. Ignore the Instagram ads and the desire for your motherhood journey to be filled with all the beautiful neutral baby items… believe me, they’re going to be puked on and ruined before you know it. (Also, hand-me-downs & consignment stores are your best friends. Seriously. You’ll save the earth a little bit & definitely save some $$)

What I CAN tell you is that you will never EVER regret investing in your family memories. So whether it’s booking me or another photographer, just do it. Don’t skip this purchase in pursuit of stuff.

If money is tight & you don’t think you can swing it, consider creating a photography registry and asking family & friends to contribute.

I LOVE being able to set this up for my clients and as a friend, if I have the option to bless my expecting mama friends with something meaningful, I will JUMP on that.

SO, why am I so passionate about this? Well besides valuing the importance of family memories & heirlooms as a mom myself,

I wanted to share the story of a little boy named Larkin.

I met Larkin and the Daria family on a cold winter morning in 2019. If I’m able, I love to donate NICU photography sessions when I have the wiggle room in my schedule and hear of a special family needing this particular gift of photos. A fellow NICU nurse friend of mine gave me the heads up that this sweet family could use some extra love with their incredibly difficult journey in the NICU. Of course I said yes and got to spend a couple hours documenting this precious boy and his loving parents.

At the time, I was just dipping my toes into filmmaking. So on a whim, I decided to flip my camera into filming mode. For the next two hours, I went back and forth between capturing images and video. Watching this family love on their sweet boy was such a gift and I left their bedside that day feeling truly grateful to have been able to witness their love for him.

Fast forward a couple of months and in March of 2020 after months of fighting, Larkin gained his angel wings. We didn’t know it then, but this film & these photos would become evidence of his life and those that loved him with every fiber of their being. They became a testament to his story and his life. While it was a short time by earthly standards, it was abundantly full. Full of depth, of love & of meaning.

With Larkins video, we saw and still see the love that was surrounded by him during his journey. We have these memories that we are able to look back on since he’s left us. During my hardest days as a mom and wife, I take a second and watch that video of my son, seeing him battle the struggles that life had dealt him with so much strength. Being able to watch videos of him has helped my husband and I as we try to heal from the loss of Larkin.

We never know the day or hour we will leave this world. If only we had a magic lamp that told us that hug, that touch or that kiss would be our final one. We have no idea when those “last” moments will be.

So while we can, while we’re here & while we still have breath in our lungs, let’s capture it. Every little bit of it. Because these photos & videos of those we love will forever be your life’s greatest treasure.

I want to thank Alexandria and the Daria family for allowing me to share just a small piece of their story. If you’d like to learn more about Larkin’s story & provide hope to other NICU families, consider following along and donating to Larkin’s Legacy Foundation.

Are you local to Cincinnati or Northern Kentucky & want to book a Fresh 48 session? I’d be truly honored!

Click below to book your session or reach out if you have more questions about booking! Make sure you ask about my Birth Announcement films if you want to bottle up the sound of their sweet little noises forever.

Check out some of my favorite sessions below!

Olive Grace | Theodore & Eleanor | Hendrix Michael | Grace Lucille

Krystal Franke